I have to admit, I was slightly disappointed when Samantha Cameron announced she pregnant earlier this year during the General Election Campaign. And before you ask, it’s not because I fancied Nick Clegg (although I did and still do) and couldn’t stand the positive PR her pregnancy gifted the Tory’s campaign. No, it’s actually because I am massive Sam Cam fan, and what’s more I adore her fashion sense; however, without causing massive offence to pregnant ladies, baby bumps and high fashion rarely go hand in hand. And just as I feared, Sam Cam's burgeoning baby bump confined her to the safety of empire line dresses for the rest of the campaign, which may be tasteful and demure, but are also downright boring.

Anyway the good news is, beautiful baby Florence has joined the world and Samantha is well and truly back on her sartorial game. She has pulled some great outfits out the bag at the Tory Party conference in Birmingham this week, most notably this lovely Paul Smith dress from his A/W 2010 collection with pink water rose print detailing. Whilst Samantha tends to wear more accessible fashion from top end high street brands like such as Reiss, Zara and LK Bennett, it's still great to see Britain's leading lady wearing a great British designer.
Yes, from what I've seen she does seem to have good fashion sense! I've liked most of her outfits.