Wednesday 12 December 2012


A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to attend the launch of Antoni & Alison's new tearoom, located in Clerkenwell above their shop. The 'Ye Olde Worlde Super Modern Tearoom', (try saying that after a glass of champagne) is the fashion design duo's latest venture,  and I am happy to report, is every bit as wonderful as Antoni & Alison themselves.

I met up with my fashion blogger/ journo buddy Natalie for the event, where we headed upstairs to the tearoom space to sip tea and nibble Victoria sponge (served by Alison herself, no less).
The concept behind the tearoom is to create a space where visitors can think and be creative; there’s no wifi or fancy coffee machines to be found, instead guests are handed an Antoni & Alison pencil and pad upon entry to accompany their breakfast tea and Victoria sponge. Add some very chic Antoni & Alison illustrated china into the mix and you have an endearing little haven.

I was also really chuffed to have a chat with Antoni at the tearoom launch, and he was every bit as charming as I had hoped (possibly have a little crush). Here’s my snaps from the launch:

Antoni & Alison cups & saucers (felt tip pen designs)
The Antoni & Alison victoria sponge that I am happy to report was extremely moist!
Natalie doing a little tea-drinking/ posing
Some more obligatory posed tea-drinking. My Christmas bow ring is by Whistles and the nail polish is Barry M.
The wonderful Alison- photo courtesy of Village Press.
The witty menu- photo courtesy of Village Press.
Head upstairs above the Antoni & Alison shop floor to find the tearoom.
Antoni - photo courtesy of Village Press.
 No launch would be complete without a little champagne- here's the after-tea party happening in the basement.
 More tea & cakes!
A typically quirky Antoni & Alison film reel streamed in the basement.
Beautiful patterned knits in the shop.
The characteristically bold shop frontage.
The Antoni & Alison notepad & pencil- can you tell I'm just a little bit thrilled by mine?
A big thank you to Village Press for the invite & to Antoni & Alison for a wonderful teaparty!
The Ye Olde Worlde Super Modern Tearoom is open now between Thursday- Sunday on Roseberry Avenue, Clerkenwell.


  1. very nice pictures. thanks for the impressions.
    lovely greets
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  2. so cute, i love this! antoni & alison are the best!

    katie x
